READ: Ecclesiastes 3:1-11

Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” – Ephesians 5:16

Many people claim they cannot do certain things because they have no time. However, the reality is that they are unable to manage their time. You must be able to distinguish between important things and urgent things. Many things that are urgent are not important and many important things are not urgent. Cut away the unimportant things and ensure that you do what you are is supposed to do.

Do not get involved with things that are not on your schedule. You should recognize that many good things are not necessarily the things you must do. I have decided that I will spend my time in prayer and in the ministry of the Word.

It will help you to surround yourself with competent helpers who will do certain essential jobs for you. A responsible employee who takes care of important things for you is a valuable asset. Get rid of people who fail to do jobs that are delegated to them. These people will create problems for you and drag you into areas, which should have been taken care of.

How can you develop the art of using your time wisely? I want to share with you a secret which I believe is a key to managing your time effectively. It is also a key to fulfilling the will of God. Stay with your calling. A true leader discovers what he is supposed to do and sticks to it. Don’t branch out into other people’s territory.

Avoid wasting your time on useless socializing and television programmes.