READ: Ecclesiastes 10:10-15

“...but wisdom is profitable to direct.” – Ecclesiastes 10:10

In the book of Ecclesiastes, God reveals the master plan for winning in hopeless situations. This story applies to any circumstance. It applies to a hopeless marriage, business or church. It applies to your case too. You will win in this fight because God’s wisdom is the master key to overcoming impossible situations.

The duty of a woman with direction to act wisely. Do not deprive your husband of food, sex or peace at home. In fact, load it on him until he is suffocating with your love. He will be charmed by your sweetness and will have no complaints.

Attending church must be done with great wisdom and circumspection. If you are married to a husband who is unyielding and insensitive to the things of God, you cannot afford to behave like someone who is married to apostle Peter. Your circumstances are entirely different!

Learn from Abigail, wife of Nabal in 1 Samuel 25:36. She did two things. First, she said nothing to Nabal. It is not wise to say some things. Secondly, her conversation with him did not centre on controversial issues. If you learn how to speak wisely, you will be as successful as Abigail was (Proverbs 29:11).

Some women quarrel with their husbands constantly; fighting and arguing about every issue. Men do not like to be shouted at. Men do not like to feel they have lost an argument. Be wise when dealing with men.