READ: Luke 10:38-42

And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women” – Luke 1:28

Women are prophetically destined to make a significant spiritual impact. I have observed that the role of spiritual women has increased. More and more women are making a difference in ministry. You cannot rule them out. Their seed is significantly impacting the work of ministry.

Women are preaching, singing, teaching and having visions. This is a role that God has carved out for all who care for spiritual things. Consider the biblical examples of the three Marys.

When Mary, sister of Martha, was seated at Jesus’ feet listening to His words, He declared that she was doing the one thing needful!

When Mary Magdalene saw the risen Christ even before the apostles, the whole church received an important message. Women are treasured by the Lord! Women are loved by the Lord! Women are special to the Saviour!

When Mary, mother of Jesus, received her salutation from the angel, she received perhaps the most treasured words ever spoken to a woman: “Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women… for thou hast found favour with God.” These three Marys left an indelible spiritual mark that has lasted forever. Their example must be followed by all who desire to bring forth spiritual seed.

A woman with direction must rise up in the realm of the spirit and refuse to be defeated by the devil. He is against your spiritual seed but it shall surely come forth!