READ: Mark 3:13-15

…the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life.” – John 6:63

Jesus told His disciples that His words contained two important things. They contained life and the Spirit! What is this Spirit? The Spirit is the anointing! The Scripture says that God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power (Acts 10:38). Therefore the Holy Ghost is the anointing (the substance with which He was anointed). The anointing makes people take notice of you (Acts 4:13).

The words of anointed men of God contain the Spirit and the life. Books, DVDs and CDs contain the words of anointed men of God. The time you spend reading a book is time you spend fellowshipping with the one who wrote the book. What a great privilege to interact with an anointed man of God for three hours in the privacy of your home.

Just as Elisha listened to the words of Elijah, and the disciples listened to the words of Jesus, you are listening to my words as you read this! The disciples listened to the words of Jesus; that is why they were anointed.

You can be with Jesus today by reading His words in the Bible. I am amazed at the number of ministers who do not read the Bible and just use the Bible as a tool for preaching. The Word of God is, first of all for your benefit. You will not be a minister of substance if you do not have your own personal fellowship with the Lord. Fellowship with Jesus everyday. God wants to interact with you. God’s desire since the days of Adam has been to fellowship with man.