READ : Psalm 112:1-10

Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name….” – Psalm 91:14-15

When you provide God’s church with security, stability and safety, God will become your refuge.

God will build a house for you and give you security. I have noticed that those who participate in building the temple of God are blessed. I am always grateful for the people that God gave me to help build the Lighthouse Cathedral. We would probably have disappeared into obscurity by now if we didn’t have our church building.

I have watched people give their lives’ savings and their entire salaries to the work of God. I have also lived to see God blessing each and every one of these people. Today, some people only give a few coins towards a church project. They don’t know what they are missing. Those who have helped prolong the church’s life will have their own lives prolonged. Those who cause a church to be wealthy will reap wealth in their own lives.

In Bible times, people gave up lands and properties for the building of the church and they were blessed for doing so. This was one of Solomon’s keys to success. He built a house for the Lord. Glue yourself to your church and see the church building become completed. Support the project until it is fully paid for! Attach yourself and invest in the church spiritually. Help to build a larger church. God will reward you as you build His house.