READ : Mark 16:15-20

And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” – Matthew 16:18

To be relevant, means “to be important”. The church becomes relevant when it has something to offer. We become relevant when we have the answers to people’s needs. No government can offer what the church offers through the power of the Holy Spirit. Neither teachers nor medical doctors can give what the church gives.

We become relevant to the world when the healing anointing is in operation. Every part of the world needs the healing anointing. Only God can heal our broken hearts and save us. It is when the brokenhearted are restored and the poor have good news preached to them that we become relevant. Evil spirits torment people and bring fear into their lives. The healing anointing will deliver people from evil spirits. Through the healing anointing, curses are broken and healing comes.

Our relevance as a church does not come about by starting schools or universities. The government is the one supposed to provide education. When the church does provide education, it must be seen as assistance that we give to the nation.

The salvation of mankind is provided through the cross of Jesus Christ. Besides the Church, no other institution has been charged with this Great Commission. Our relevance comes from preaching and teaching about Jesus. Our relevance comes from healing the sick. It comes from casting out devils.