READ : Acts 4:23-33

…pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest” – Luke 10:2

There are more than enough souls waiting to be saved. There are not enough buildings to contain the harvest if it were reaped. Unlock the harvest with the key of massive organization. What do I mean by massive organization? Pastors must mobilize their church members to have massive organized prayer, massive organized fasting and massive organized outreaches.

How utterly boring it must be if a Christian’s life is just listening to a thirty-minute sermon every week. For goodness sake, there must be more to Christianity than being a pew-warmer. Christians will find satisfaction when they fast and pray for souls. Fasting and prayer is the key that removes scales from a sinner’s eyes. When you pray before witnessing, you will have better results. People will be saved! Just like Jesus, you will be anointed when you pray. If you are not prayerful, people will just tell you, “I see your point, but I don’t agree with you.” All your preaching will be like water dripping off a duck’s back!

Do you know why many people do not attend prayer meetings? It is because the pastor himself does not get involved. I’m speaking to pastors now! Mobilize the entire church to pray. Mobilize the entire church to fast. Pray for church growth. Pray for salvation. You will have tremendous results. A pastor’s job is not just to preach and teach, but to lead the sheep. You must lead the sheep into outreaches and soul winning. They will be blessed when they have something to do with their spiritual energy