READ : 1 Samuel 26:1-25

“Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?” – Proverbs 20:6

One of the cardinal qualifications for a leader is loyalty. You must be loyal to your God, your church, your spouse and your friends.

A leader must learn to be loyal to the people who follow him. When it is time to reward your followers, be faithful and do not withhold their blessings. When one of your followers is in trouble, show your loyalty. If you do not betray them in their time of difficulty, they will not betray you in your time of difficulty.

Be loyal to your superiors. A leader must be loyal to his superiors. When David had the opportunity to kill Saul, he did not! Many years later, David murdered one of his soldiers called Uriah. Several of his leaders could have revolted and he could have lost his life. However, this did not happen, as his men were loyal to the king’s authority. They refused to kill the Lord’s anointed because they had learnt it by example.

Be loyal to your friends. When David became the king, he realized that his position was a privileged one. He asked for a way to show kindness to an old friend (2 Samuel 9:1). These acts of loyalty to friends demonstrate the true character of a leader. A good character is attractive; people are more inclined to follow someone with a good heart.

Be loyal to your spouse. You become a natural leader in society because your domestic affairs are under control. Loyalty to your spouse involves self-control and Christian love.

Be a faithful, stable, constant and loyal person.