READ : 1 Peter 5:8-9

Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.” – 2 Corinthians 2:11

How do you fight an enemy you cannot see? How much more difficult it is to fight an enemy who can see you when you are not even aware of them?

However, I have realized in recent times that Christians are accomplishing great feats in spite of the fact that we do not see the realm of the Spirit. Even the angels admire and respect us for our accomplishments. The hosts of Heaven are watching us operating in the dark without any vision at all. They see us defeat the enemy time and time again. They cheer us on as theywatch us whip an enemy whose main strength is “being invisible”. There are Christians who believe the Word, obey God and defeat the enemy repeatedly.

Some Christians and ministers are simply unaware of the tricks of the devil. If these could see the hordes of demons that surround them, they would probably act differently. Others think the devil is working in a way that he is not. For instance, there are people who think that Satan lives in Africa. They feel that the wars, poverty and backwardness of African nations are a sure sign of the presence of the devil.

They say this because they do not understand the strategies or schemes of Satan. They do not understand that Satan’s principal strategy is to deceive the world and to lead them unknowingly into Hell. Learn to identify the enemy when he’s at work.