READ : 2 Corinthians 6:14-18

Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.” – Proverbs 31:30

A woman with wisdom is someone who knows that there are temptations that are peculiar to women. You must be determined to overcome them.

Many ladies are tempted to marry unbelievers. There are many non-Christian men who come knocking at the doors of young ladies. A woman with direction is able to resist this temptation and to keep herself.

Many women are tempted to sleep with men. Often ladies sleep with half a dozen or more different men before they eventually settle down. Woman, you will be tempted to do this in order to secure the love of a man. When you go looking for tenderness and love you may receive it, but at a high price. Keep yourself pure. Be a woman who overcomes her temptations.

Many women believe that their beauty will last forever. This is why they say “no” to prospective young men when they propose to them. They are also deceived into thinking that their beauty will charm a man forever. A woman with direction knows that beauty is vain. She may be beautiful but she is also spiritual. Woman, your charm and beauty have an expiration date. They will not last forever. Seek for spiritual things. It is the inner spiritual commitment of the man that makes him faithful to you and not your beauty. Do not make the mistake of thinking that beauty is everything.

Demons whisper lies and deception to women all the time. Do not be taken in by the lies of the devil.