READ : Matthew 13:13-17

But strong meat belongeth to them…who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.” – Hebrews 5:14

Mature Christians have their senses alert, exercised to discern or distinguish good from evil. The word “senses” is derived from the Greek word, aishtheteria that means, “organs of perception”.

The organs of perception are the eyes to see, the ears to hear, the nose to smell, the skin to feel and the tongue to taste. The Bible is telling us that these organs of perception if they are spiritually alert, can also be used to discern spiritual things, to detect good and evil things.

The Lord took me to today’s Scripture passage to form a solid basis for this revelation. Jesus said, “Blessed are your eyes…and blessed are your ears…” He was speaking about their organs of perception (aishstheteria). When you move out of the natural realm, you will begin to perceive things with those very eyes and ears you have. He told the disciples that their eyes saw more than natural eyes see. Such eyes can also see visions, revelations and the supernatural. He also stated that their ears heard a little further, the voice of the Holy Spirit.

God wants your thoughts and feelings to be sensitive to supernatural things. We must feel the “move” of the Holy Spirit, feel the presence of God, and feel the healing anointing. The Holy Spirit is offended when we do not respond to His presence.

The principal revelation I want to bring to your understanding is that the supernatural operates through your organs of perception: your eyes, ears, thoughts and feelings.