READ : Luke 7:1-10

…my word be…shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please…” – Isaiah 55:11

n order to experience the supernatural you need to have faith in the supernatural and the methods of the supernatural.

In Luke chapter seven, we read the account of Jesus’ encounter with the Centurion whose servant was sick. The Centurion’s message was simple, “Do not bother to come to my house. I know there are supernatural methods of doing things. I believe in the spoken word. Just stand there and say something! Speak words into the atmosphere. My servant who is some distance away will receive his healing.” That was a supernatural method!

I can understand the difficulty some people would have with the workings of the Holy Spirit. However, you must believe that with the laying on of hands, power can be transmitted which will cause sicknesses to vanish. Believe in the methods of God. Believe in the spoken word (Psalm 107:20).

In one of our miracle services, I spoke under the anointing and said, “There is a woman who has been having miscarriages. Receive your child now!” This woman later testified how she received her pregnancy from that moment and carried it through the nine months. After the birth of the baby, she brought it to church and testified before the congregation as to how the Lord had ministered to her.

Before you can receive the supernatural, you must believe in supernatural methods.