READ : John 14:16-27

Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, …Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work.” – 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

Develop a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. Hear Him speaking to you personally. You will do this by faith. When you are all alone and there is no one to speak to, the Holy Spirit will be the guide that you need. You have overcome because He is in you (1 John 4:4).

In my darkest moments, I have found the Holy Spirit to be someone who speaks to me personally. Jesus described the Holy Spirit as another Comforter. Jesus was the first Comforter. He was available to speak to. He was there to answer questions. He was there to give guidance. Today, the Holy Spirit does this job.

When the Bible becomes a living message from God to you, you will always have a source of direction and encouragement. When I am in need of encouragement or direction, I believe that whichever part of the Scriptures I read at that time, will be God’s message to me. This makes the Bible my greatest tool of self-encouragement and motivation.

Jesus also expects us to remember the things He has done for us in the past to encourage ourselves. Notice how He was angry with the disciples for not remembering the past miracles (Mark 8:18-21). Make positive confessions. Your faith must speak when you need encouragement. Faith is the opposite of depression. The Bible calls faith a shield that quenches fiery darts; it is a God-given weapon meant to stop attacks. Remember that joy comes in the morning!