READ : Revelation 6:2-8

For we wrestle …against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” – Ephesians 6:12

The word “legion” means, “a band, a crowd, a host or a multitude”. The word legion aptly describes the group nature of demonic activities. Teams of evil spirits carry out most of Satan’s plans.

We are shown an example of demonic teamwork in the passage you just read. In this vision, there were four spiritual horses: white, red, black and a pale one. Each had a different spiritual rider. The first to be introduced was the spirit of a conqueror. The second spirit was the spirit that takes peace away. The third spirit was the spirit of famine. The fourth was the spirit of death. One after another, these four spirits ravaged the earth until a quarter of the earth was killed with the sword and with hunger. Let me give you an example of this pattern.

Some years ago, Charles Taylor in Liberia, came forth conquering and to conquer. Then the second rider emerged as various rebel groups ravaged the countryside, taking away peace from Liberia. Famine set in. That was the third rider at work. Finally, the spirit of death engulfed the region and we heard of mass graves and thousands of people losing their lives. Demons truly do work in groups. Indeed, all the four riders had effectively worked together.

The problems of any country seldom emanate from a single cause. They may be due to a spirit of corruption, bad leadership, deception or discrimination. Join in the fight against Satan’s agents. We are to pray for nations and rulers, to avert war and destruction (1 Timothy 2:1-2).