READ : Numbers 32:1-24, 33

He chose David…to feed Jacob his people…So he fed them according to the integrity of his heart...” – Psalm 78:70-72

Moses kept people together. Some of the tribes of Israel did not want to cross the River Jordan. They wanted to stay where the grass was good for their cattle; meanwhile, there was a war to fight. They had been together up until this time and the nation Israel was about to split up into two. God gave Moses the wisdom to keep Israel united.

Moses could have cursed those tribes and told them that they were damned. But he made it possible for them to have their dreamland and at the same time remain a part of Israel.

Pastoring a church is the art of keeping people together. At many points in the life of a church, there are situations that have the potential of dividing people. You must develop the art of keeping people together.

What is the key to uniting people? You must believe that the people must be kept together. If you have a “you can go to Hell if you want to” attitude, many people are going to drop out of your team. Have a strong desire to keep everyone together. Fight to prevent the loss of even one person. Jesus did not want to lose any of the people God had given Him.

Another key is to cherish and love people genuinely. Love all the people God gives you. When you love somebody genuinely, you do not easily want to part with the person. A leader must have real love for people. People will stay where they feel they are genuinely loved.