READ : Luke 5:38-39

My little children let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth” – 1 John 3:18

Visits have life-changing power! Many pastors do not know the secret behind the power of visitation. I want you to understand why visitation, in the ministry of a pastor, is so powerful!

Visitation is a powerful mixture of three forces: it involves the ministry of the Word, it involves the ministry of prayer, and it is an expression of love.

The Word of God is powerful and life changing. The Bible says that it brings light where there is darkness. It is therefore no surprise that it has a powerful effect on people. Prayer is also powerful. The Bible says that it availeth much. That means it has great effect.

However, the Bible also says that love never fails! There are many spiritual weapons that we use all the time. No weapon has been described as “never failing”. This makes love a very powerful weapon.

In visitation, there is a mixture of the Word, prayer and love. The act of journeying to someone’s house at an odd hour demonstrates great love. You cannot demonstrate love in words alone. Loving in deed involves going to people’s homes. Loving in deed involves knowing the real life situations that people live in. Sometimes the person who is being visited does not even hear the words that you speak. What remains with him is the fact that you cared enough to come.

Do not underestimate the effect of this powerful mixture: the Word, love and prayer!