READ : 2 Kings 3:21-27

For the life of the flesh is in the blood…” – Leviticus 17:11

Many preachers are not taken seriously. Many of their statements are ignored. But everything changes when someone pays the price. Every situation changes in the moment that blood is shed.

The gravity of every situation changes as soon as a sacrifice of someone’s life is made. Sacrifices release the power of God in your life. You should come to the Lord and ask Him if there is anything He wants from you. You must give yourself as a living sacrifice to Him.

When there is sacrifice, there is power. This is why Islamic suicide bombers are making such an impact in the world today. You would think that these terrorist acts would drive people away from their religion. On the contrary, these stir up more commitment and attract more followers.

God asked me to send people to the corners of the world to start churches. The Lord told me that there are several people who will respond to this call. He told me not to worry about people’s lives but to sacrifice my best sons and daughters on the harvest fields. I tell you, many have responded and are doing great things for the Lord.

God is going to make you sacrifice. He may change your life and change everything about you. He is going to ask you to give up certain things, and as you do, you are going to see his power. When you speak, your words will be taken seriously because of the sacrifices you’ve made.