READ : 2 Chronicles 20-30

…Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper.” – 2 Chronicles 20:20

The Hebrew word translated “established” in 2 Chronicles 20:20 is the word aman. It means “to nurture, to foster as a parent, to build up and to nurse”. This teaches us that as you believe in God, you will be nurtured and nursed by God. He will build you up in the faith and you will receive a strong foundation that only a parent can give.

This Scripture goes on and urges you to believe in the prophets so that you will “prosper”. The Hebrew word translated “prosper” is the word tsalach. It means “to push forward, to go over, to come mightily and to break out.” Aman and tsalach are two very different experiences in the ministry.

God will nurture you and build you up for His work. He will nurse you like a baby in a cradle. He will foster you like a parent and encourage you until you are well developed. but then, you need a push forward in the ministry.

You need to break out into the fullness of your calling. The key to coming mightily to the front of the ministry lines is to believe in the man of God.

The safety catch in this Scripture is that you are supposed to believe both in God and in the man of God. Believing in God will help you to be nicely built up in Christ, but you will not have the push that you need. Believing in the man of God without believing in God is indeed very dangerous! You could easily make a mistake and follow the errors of a human being. That is why the two go together!