READ : Luke 12:13-34

But there are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not, and who should betray him.” – John 6:64

A little analysis will reveal that most of us do not really believe the Words of Jesus. I say that we do not believe because our lives demonstrate the exact opposite of the Scriptures. Let me give you a Scripture that we commonly disbelieve: Matthew 6:19-20.

There could be no clearer instruction than this. Jesus said, “Prepare for Heaven. Lay up your treasure over there! Do not bother to pile up things on earth.”

Yet, most of the Church, led by its pastors, is busy laying up treasures on earth. Laying up treasures in Heaven is the kind of truth we choose to ignore. Laying up treasures on earth is seen as the more sensible thing to do. Our vision is to do the exact opposite of what Jesus asked us to do. As long as we do not picture treasures in Heaven, we will not be motivated to work for God.

Moslems often show a much higher faith in the life after this life. Their suicide-bombers, though in error, are the greatest evidence of this. All over the world, these suicide-bombers die fearlessly for their faith. Meanwhile, Christians cower in fear, disbelief and weakness, unable even to change jobs for the Gospel’s sake.

Where are the missionaries of old who gave their lives in foreign nations so that the Gospel may advance? Where are the martyrs of the early church who died for their faith? These men, conscious of eternity, laid down their lives for the kingdom of God to advance. They really demonstrated that they believed, and that is why they did the works of God.