READ: 1 Peter 2:21-24

But he was wounded for our transgressions…and with his stripes we are healed.” – Isaiah 53:5

The Church is a special institution anointed by God with special power and anointing. By that power and anointing, we will be able to do what God has called us to do. He has chosen preaching, teaching and healing as His method for reaching lost humanity.

The healing anointing is the opportunity for the church of God to come out of obscurity.

Jesus was raised in an insignificant carpenter’s home, but God gave Him something special. What would bring Jesus out of obscurity? What would make anyone listen to His message? What could Jesus do without modern methods of advertisement? The healing anointing is what brought Jesus out of obscurity.

The healing anointing is our chance to rise out of obscurity. If we want the cities of this world to gather at the door of our crusades, then we need the healing anointing. If we want the cities of this world to gather in our churches, then the healing anointing is that key. The healing anointing will bring the whole city to our door so that we can tell them about Jesus Christ.

The healing anointing is our only chance to reach the world for Jesus Christ. It is our only chance to reach every kindred, nation and people for the Kingdom. It is the opportunity for ministers to accomplish what God has called them for. It is still available for all of us through the Great Commission. It is for all of us if we will begin to know and realize what God has given to us.