READ: 2 Kings 2:11-22

And the spirit entered into me when he spake unto me, and set me upon my feet, that I heard him that spake unto me.” – Ezekiel 2:2

Look at this amazing Scripture in Ezekiel! The anointing enters you as you listen to the Word of God. The Word is able to impart an anointing into your life. The prophet said he could feel the anointing enter him as the Lord spoke to him.

The Bible also records that Elisha soaked in the words of his spiritual father, Elijah. Just like Jesus and the disciples, Elisha and Elijah engaged in lots of important conversation. Elisha walked so closely to Elijah that God had to separate them Himself. Do not allow anyone or circumstances, to separate you from your spiritual father. Not many people will have the privilege of interacting personally with their mentors. So how can anyone catch the anointing on a great man of God? Is it the pouring of water or the doing of menial jobs that leads to a transfer of anointing? The answer is no! The physical interaction exposes you to his words. Follow a man of God by following his words closely.

Jesus told His disciples, that His words are Spirit (anointing) and life (John 6:63). The anointing is in the words. They took his words seriously because he had told them that the anointing was in the words. Thank God that today the words of anointed ministers are available in books, tapes and videos.

Following some men of God through DVDs, CDs and books has greatly blessed my life and ministry. The fact that you are reading this book is evidence that an anointing I received some years ago is real.