READ: 2 Samuel 15:12-23

Behold that which I have seen: it is good and comely for one to eat and to drink, and to enjoy the good of all his labour…” – Ecclesiastes 5:18

You will notice the phrase “behold that which I have seen”. King Solomon often spoke about things that he noticed. Symptoms and signs reveal hidden things. They tell you about what is not obvious.

You can detect familiarity by noticing little changes in people’s attitude. Their comments, disinterest and yawning at meetings are all important indicators.

Betrayal is something that does not announce itself. You must look for the signs. If you fail to see the signs that leaders are supposed to notice, you will be at the mercy of traitors.

Use symptoms and signs to detect unforgiveness. Many people claim to have forgiven others. In reality, they are full of bitterness.

I use certain indicators to supervise the people who work for me. Accomplishing targets within a deadline is the most important indicator for me.

Use symptoms and signs to uncover future leaders. Paul did this. In 1 Timothy 3, he outlined the signs that Timothy was to look for in potential leaders. I think that the greatest sign of the call of God is the desire for ministry. I always look out for people who have a desire to work for God.

Keep your eyes open and see the things that others do not see. Often when I see my church members, I know when something is wrong. Why is that? As a leader, I use symptoms and signs.