READ: Mark 5:25-34

And he put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will: be thou clean…” – Luke 5:13

As a doctor, I know that sometimes there is very little that medical science can do in an effort to cure certain diseases. Many diseases still cannot be healed. They are just controlled and managed.

There were doctors in Jesus’ time. The Bible says that this woman had been to see so many doctors but she could not be healed. One day, she heard that Jesus was passing by her town. She said to herself, “If I can only touch the hem of His garment, I will be healed.”

I want you to know that Jesus can heal situations that doctors cannot solve for you. I have seen God do many miracles. One day, a man came to me. He stammered so badly that he had to hit himself before he could speak a word. Stammering is something doctors cannot heal. At the miracle service I was having, Jesus touched him and he was healed of that disease. He began speaking fluently to his own amazement! Imagine how someone who had to hit himself in order to speak was healed of that stammering tongue!

I remember a man who was paralyzed on one side due to a stroke. The power of God was very strong at this miracle service. He was not even aware that the healing power of God was working in him. He just realized that he could move his leg and arm again. The power of God moved his body. I want to tell you that Jesus is alive!

I see God healing you and changing your life. Jesus is healing you right now. He is touching you. Healing is flowing to you. Receive your healing!