Read : Mark 5:22-42

And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues…” – Mark 16:17-18

The healing ministry is a “sign” ministry. A sign indicates or shows the presence of something. Healing is the sign that the kingdom of Heaven has come. Jesus dealt with everything of the old regime. He dealt with demons, epilepsy and incurable diseases. He raised the dead three times to demonstrate that the old regime was gone and a new one had come!

Jesus performed three miracles of the kingdom of God in today’s Scripture passage.

i. He used the gift of faith to command the spirit of Jairus’ daughter to come back from the dead. God can take you from irreversible circumstances and bring you back to a place of blessing. The things people said would never work will work in your life in Jesus’ name!

ii. He used the gift of the working of miracles.

Every decomposed tissue in the girl’s body was miraculously re-composed in this miracle. What a marvelous kingdom we belong to!

iii. He used the gift of healing.

Her heart started to work again. Her blood, which was clotting, started to flow normally; her brain cells were revived and she was cured of whatever disease had killed her!

All these three miracles are available for you today if you believe in the Lord Jesus. Your life will never be the same again, because a new regime has come!