Read : Luke 17:11-19

Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.” – John 16:24

Under the ministry of Jesus, several people experienced personal breakthroughs. Why did they receive these miracles?

Ten lepers were healed and only one came back to say “thank you”. Jesus said these same words to him: “Arise, go thy way: Thy faith hath made thee whole” (Luke 17:19).

Blind Bartimaeus received his sight miraculously. He was a noisy fellow who disturbed the “service”. But Jesus took notice of him and healed him. His secret was faith in God (Mark 10:52)!

The sinful woman who poured an alabaster box of ointment on Jesus’ feet also received a miracle of forgiveness. Jesus said to the woman: “…thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace” (Luke 7:50).

Two blind men came to Jesus and asked for the mercy of God. Jesus touched them and healed them. His words to these two men were: “…According to your faith be it unto you” (Matthew 9:29).

The people’s faith impressed Jesus, and brought the breakthrough. That is why the Bible says that without faith it is impossible to please God. When you believe that you have received, you please God. Many Christians just beg and cry in a spirit of hopelessness. God is not against crying. But He is against faithless weeping.

From today, I want you to believe that you have received what you are asking for. Trust God, He wants to give you the desires of your heart