Read : 1 Timothy 2:1-8

If my people…shall humble themselves, and pray…then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” – 2 Chronicles 7:1

This Scripture tells us the types of prayers we must pray, and whom we must pray for. It tells us to pray for all men and specifically for leaders: Heads of State and anyone who has some form of authority over our lives. This prayer formula does not teach us to curse our leaders or to wish them evil.

There are four types of prayers we are to offer for each person who is in authority: supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks. We are to take each leader and pray that God would supply their needs. We are to thank God for their lives. We are to pray generally for them. Finally, we are to intercede for them.

Anyone who prays this “Timothian” prayer will experience four blessings from the Lord. You will experience a quiet life, a peaceful life, a godly life and an honest life. Whoever you are, this prayer formula can apply to you. There is someone, who has some form of authority over your life.

There are three main reasons why we need to pray for those in authority. First, we have to pray that the decisions of the nation will not be based on selfish and political desires only. The second reason is that the nature of all men is to grab and take as much as they can. We have to pray against corruption. When a leader loves the nation, he will build the nation and not his personal wealth. Thirdly, we must pray for peace and freedom so that we may go about our Christian duties without any hindrance.