Read : John 12:1-8

I beseech you therefore…present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God…” – Romans 12:1

Remember that it was no other person than Judas Iscariot who criticized the woman with the alabaster box.

This woman poured out her expensive perfume on Jesus. It was the most valuable thing she had. Women know what their hair means to them. A woman’s hair symbolizes her beauty. Mary sacrificed her beauty and her valuable things for Jesus.

It is true that this woman had been living in sin. However, she gave what was most precious to her – her hair, her perfume and her tears to Jesus. But Judas Iscariot, the honourable treasurer of the team (your treasurer is usually the most trusted person in the organization) didn’t like it. Even though it wasn’t his alabaster box, his life or his hair that were being sacrificed, he was against it.

The appearances of people, who are antichrist or anti-sacrifice, can be very deceptive. The anti-sacrifice, anti-give-upeverything, anti-do-a-lot, anti-give-a-lot spirit is the spirit of the Antichrist. These people often present themselves as being very decent, very logical, very organized, and dignified. But it is still the spirit of the Antichrist.