Read : Revelation 18:1-10

Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” – Ephesians 6:10-11

There are physical manifestations of the presence of evil spirits. Some cause an accentuation of lustful behaviour in people; they are trapped in extreme lustful and immoral behaviour. An unnatural desire and practice of sexuality leads them into all kinds of experiences.

The prophets bewailed Babylon because she had become the habitation of evil spirits. As a result, she committed fornication, lived deliciously, and glorified herself. Babylon is described as a hold for every unclean bird. It is described as a woman who has become the habitation of foul spirits.

But how did these evil spirits come into her in the first place? The Bible gives us the answer: because many people drank from the wine of her fornication. Evil spirits inhabit men and women who give themselves over to fornication with multiple partners (the nations). These evil spirits inhabit the individuals and cause them to live deliciously (immorally) for a season of their lives. Often when these individuals become older and less sexually active, the evil spirits leave them for younger candidates. Many would never reveal the depths of depravity to which these lustful spirits have taken them.

Dear Christian friend, evil spirits do have an effect on your physical body. They may influence you to indulge in fleshly sins or to be violent. Evil spirits may also cause strange illnesses to fasten themselves onto a believer. The time of ignorance is past. We are no longer ignorant of the wiles of the devil.