READ: 2 Chronicles 32:9-25

But Hezekiah rendered not again according to the benefit done unto him…” – 2 Chronicles 32:25

You will notice ungratefulness in people by the way they complain. Moses led the Israelites out of bondage and slavery and yet they murmured and complained bitterly against him. Aaron even had to make a golden calf to calm them down.

If something ever goes wrong, you will be surprised at the reactions of people you have ministered to. Many quickly forget what you have done for them. The things a pastor does are not physically tangible, but spiritual. Many therefore think that the pastor has done nothing for them.

Church members can sin against you after you have been a blessing to them. Don’t be shocked! The prophet Jeremiah experienced the same thing from his people. He said, “Shall evil be recompensed for good?…” (Jeremiah 18:20).

Once, a pastor told a very disturbing story. He said that he was surprised when one of his church members came to his house one night to assault him. He couldn’t believe that this young man whom he had led to Christ, trained up in the Lord; whose marriage he had blessed and helped through various crises would attack him in that manner.

Dear friend, do not be surprised! Do not expect gratitude from man; expect your rewards from God. Hezekiah was blessed. But he did not “render again”. That means he did not show gratitude for all the blessings he had received. This is the nature of man. This is the nature of the people God wants you to lead.