READ: Hebrews 12:5-13

Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right” – Ephesians 6:1

Many times we seek to know what to do. What is right and what is wrong? Often parents know what is the best thing to do for their children. Most parents have the best interests of their children at heart. This is why what they say is often right. The Scripture above says clearly that obeying parents is the right thing to do. From now on, when you want to know what the right thing is, think of what instructions you have been given by your parents.

Spiritual fathers have the same supernatural power to know what is right for their spiritual children. Many times what the father says is the right thing. How much easier can things get? Obeying fathers is the right thing to do!

When a child is born the mother is supernaturally empowered to produce milk that will be the food of the child. It is amazing how milk-forming glands develop just because a child is expected. Similarly, God gives supernatural powers to His fathers and mothers to provide food for His children. A pastor who is anointed by God is supernaturally empowered to father his flock and provide all the spiritual food they need.

It is a marvel that a man can stand before the same congregation and preach to them for thirty years. You would wonder where the pastor gets his messages from. You would wonder whether the people would not be tired of him. And yet, most of the congregation become so attached to this shepherd that they do not seem to understand other preachers.