READ: Esther 7:1-10

…Think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king’s house, more than all the Jews” – Esther 4:13

Esther was prepared to give up the treasured position of living in the king’s house. She was prepared to lose her privileges and her recognition for the sake of her high calling.

Position-conscious and privilegeconscious people cannot and do not achieve much! This is because the position is more important to them than the job.

Many years ago, a man called Uncle James said to me, “Some people have ‘the post’ but they don’t have ‘the job’. And some have ‘the job’ but don’t have ‘the post’.” Uncle James was encouraging me to do the job of ministry and not to be too concerned about whether I had the recognised post or position.

You must focus on the job you are called to do, whether it goes with the position, title or not. Esther was in the king’s house. The trappings of the palace and the corridors of power in which she walked, were not able to sway her from her real job of saving God’s people in their time of need. Concern yourself with your real calling and not with the trappings of power and position.

There are many people who come into power and immediately start asking for the privileges that go with the position. Such requests only reveal a desire for the position and its associated advantages