Value Time and Manage Time

by Pastor Dag Heward-MIlls

Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
Ephesians 5:16
God teaches us to value time.  Indeed, our days are actually numbered.  If your days are numbered, today brings you closer to your end.  God’s word teaches us to apply our hearts to wisdom and count our time carefully.

Six Ways to Manage Your Time
1. Distinguish between important and urgent things.
Many people claim they cannot do certain things because they have no time.  However, the reality is that they are unable to manage their time.  Do you call yourself a leader?  If you are a leader, you must be able to distinguish between the important things and the urgent things.  Many things that are urgent are not important and many important things are not urgent.  A real leader is someone who cuts away the unimportant things and ensures that he does what he is supposed to do.

2. Do not get involved with things that are not on your schedule.
If you are a leader, you will know that many good things are not necessarily the things you must do.  I have decided that I will spend my time in prayer and in the ministry of the Word.  Even as I write this book, I am under pressure to do many other things.  I have decided that to write this book is the most important thing for me to do at this time.

3. Surround yourself with competent helpers who will do certain    essential jobs for you.
A responsible employee who takes care of important things for you is a valuable asset.  There are things that must be done for me so that I can have time for the things that only I can do.
I am a pastor overseeing over two hundred churches; you can imagine the number of problems that arise every day.  I have to decide what to do: counselling people, praying for people, sorting out financial problems, solving managerial issues, and the list goes on.  With the help of intelligent administrators and problem-solvers I will have time for my work.

4. Get rid of people who fail to do jobs that are delegated to them.
These people will create problems for you and drag you into areas which should have been taken care of.

5. Stay in your calling.
How can you develop the art of using your time wisely?  I want to share with you a secret which I believe is a key to managing your time effectively.  It is also a key to fulfilling the will of God.  Did you know that you have only seventy years to live (more or less)?  This means that you have only a limited time to serve the Lord.  God is expecting you to do certain things.  A true leader discovers what he is supposed to do and sticks to it.
Stay in your calling. Don’t branch out into other people’s territory.  If you a teacher, teach the Word.  If you are a pastor, give yourself to pastoring, don’t try to become a prophet.

6. Avoid useless socializing.
Chatting around and being friendly is often time you could have spent fellowshipping with your Heavenly Father.  People may say that you are not very friendly but you know what you are doing.  Avoid wasting your time on useless television programs.  It is not that I cannot afford a television.  I just will not have the time to waste on silly TV programmes!