READ: Numbers 13

…Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it.” – Numbers 13:30

Joshua was positive about Moses’ plans to invade Jericho. The children of Israel were negative about these very same plans. It is Joshua’s positive attitude that earned him a place in history and that got him delivered from the diseases that killed over one million other Israelites.

God listens to your words. Your words are a reflection of what is in your heart. Negative words are a reflection of a negative and rebellious attitude. There are people who are possessed with a spirit of opposition, reversal and rejection of every good purpose. This evil spirit is revealed through their words as they oppose the great plans and purposes of God!

The art of following Joshua is the art of becoming a positive person who believes things can be done. If you want to find people who do not have a can-do spirit, all you need is to attend a meeting and watch people’s reactions as new ideas are tabled. “This can’t be done,” they will say. “It is not possible.” “It may rain.” “People don’t like such things.” “We don’t have enough money.” “It has not been done before.” “So- and-so doesn’t do it that way.”

Open your heart and believe that God can and will do greater things through your life. Reject the influence of people who do not have a can-do attitude. Do not allow them to dominate meetings! Do not allow such people to dominate the minds of the simple. With wisdom you must surge forward
and accomplish great things for God