READ: Ezekiel 28:11-19

Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed of the destroyer.” – 1 Corinthians 10:10

Do not follow people who criticize and murmur.

Be careful as you follow a group of murmuring and complaining individuals. You will be welded to their disastrous future. You will be destroyed with them. Most people criticize all the time. Their mouths are filled with chronic discontentment and dissatisfaction with everything.

You can hardly blame them because the world is filled with vanity, emptiness and vexation. Murmuring is second nature to the majority of people. It takes spirituality and obedience to the Scripture to break out of that practice. Murmuring and complaining is everywhere but you must not follow it.

Satan is the originator of all discontentment. Satan was given a high position in Heaven as a chief worshipper and a principal angel. He walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. He was exalted in Eden but was not content to be whom God had created him to be.

Discontentment is satanic in its very nature. Do not allow it into your life no matter what. The very fact that Satan brought discontentment into the world should make you fear and avoid it at all cost.