READ: Luke 4:1-22

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor…” – Luke 4:18

Everything seems to be alright with people in the imperfect will of God. Their ministries flourish and the favour of God seems to be upon everything they do. But abundance and apparent success does not mean that God is pleased with you.

Most of us are deceived by apparent favour and what people call “blessings”.

Money and abundance has never been a sign that God is pleased with you. The devil also gives money to those who serve him. Satan told Jesus to bow down and he would give Him the whole world.

God’s presence and the voice of the Holy Spirit are what you must look for and not the presence of money or anything physical.

When you come into contact with a minister you must look to see if the presence of God is with him. You must watch to see if the voice of God and the Word of the Lord are present.

The Bible has many examples of God’s people moving away from the perfect will of God and into the imperfect will of God. God seems to be blessing people who are in the imperfect will of God but He is not really pleased with them.