The Type of Leadership You Must Avoid

by Pastor Dag Heward-MIlls

As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.
Isaiah 3:12
God declared that women and children would lead His people.  The tone of this scripture leads us to believe that it is a curse or a punishment for a group of people to be led by women or children.  On the surface, this may sound a bit harsh but a little reflection and meditation on the meaning of this scripture will help your to develop your abilities to lead.   Indeed, these are two curses that you must understand and avoid at all costs.
You must have heard the statement, “You are childish!” You must have heard the statement, “You are behaving like a child!”  You must have said before, “I am not a child.”
These statements are made because grown ups sometimes behave like children.  Unfortunately, leaders in high positions often behave like children and this greatly affects everyone around them.
Also, many leaders do behave like women in their decisions and leadership style.  A woman who is not tempered by the word of God and the Holy Spirit can be a terrible human being to be under.  Generally speaking, women need to be softened and toned down in order to become proper, suitable and desirable leaders.

1. You must avoid developing a leadership style that is akin to the leadership of a child.

2. You must avoid developing a leadership style that is akin to the leadership of a woman.