What Is The Art Of Following?

by Pastor Dag Heward-MIlls

Defining the Art of Following

1. The art of following is the art of copying.
2. The art of following is the art of emulating someone.

3. The art of following is the art of imitating something.

4. The art of following is the art of trying to be like someone.

5. The art of following is the art of reproduction.

4. The art of following is the art

6. The art of following is the art of cloning.

7. The art of following is the art of becoming a double.

8. The art of following is the art of becoming a twin.

9. The art of following is the art of catching up.

10. The art of following is the art of surging forward.

Those Who Have Successfully Practised the Art of Following

1. Children use the art of following.

Children use the art of copying to surge forward with great leaps; catching up and learning to speak complex languages in very short periods.  Almost all the learning that children do is through the art of following, copying or emulating.

2. Nations that have been rich for centuries use the art of following.

Europe and America used the art of following to become the oldest richest nations of the world.  Through emulation, each European country became like their neighbours and developed into almost identical wealthy states.  Their roads, buildings and other infrastructure are similar.  Their banking and economic systems are almost identical.  Their military capabilities are similar.  The lifestyles of people and the conditions of living are similar in all these countries. Indeed, through emulation, each nation caught up with its neighbour, refusing to be left behind in the race for prosperity.

3. Nations that have recently become rich use the art of following.

Taiwan, China, Korea are well known for their ability to follow and copy.  Indeed, most nations that recently became wealthy used the art of following.  The nations that became wealthy in the last fifty years are well known for their ability to copy.  Indeed, many of their products were simply called imitations.  They produced cars that were exact replicas of well-known European models.  The Koreans had no shame in modelling their Daewoo cars after Opel, and the Ssangyong after Mercedes Benz and the Hyundai after Toyota.  Through their shameless copying they caught up and surged forward until they became leading carmakers.

In almost every field of technology and endeavour, they have caught up and surged forward creating the wealth that others could only dream of. Those who were ashamed to copy could only stand by as the masters of copying surged ahead to become millionaires, billionaires and trillionaires.

4. Jesus Christ the Son of God used the art of following.

Jesus used the art of following to transform illiterate fishermen into leaders and managers of a worldwide movement.  If the Son of God would use the art of following as His only method of training, it must be the highest and most superior method of learning, training and teaching.

The art of following is the art of copying someone.  The art of following is the art of becoming like the person you admire.  The art of following is the art of becoming a replica of something that is ahead of you.  Through the art of following you will be able to catch up and surge forward in your ministry.