READ: Romans 3:10-28

Yet God, with undeserved kindness, declares that we are righteous...” – Romans 3:24, New Living Translation

An accusation is a dirty trick that capitalizes on the existing sinfulness and weakness of men. It points the finger at our weak spots and weak points.

Almost everything that we are accused of is true. The only thing I can liken accusations to is a cripple being made fun of by a normal person. It is like pointing out to a paralyzed person that he is incapable and abnormal. Accusing someone is like laughing at a deaf and dumb person and showing him how deficient he is in his hearing and his speech. How do you think the deaf and dumb person would feel, as it is being demonstrated to others that he is deficient. That is what it is like when it is being pointed out to a sinner that he is sinful.

The Bible already shows us how far from God we are. If you can imagine it, we are millions of years away from God’s nature. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:9). We are so far from true holiness and righteousness. Sin has separated us so far from God. It is only His mercy that brings us close.

The Bible teaches us that we are essentially sinners. There are enough Scriptures that broadly declare us hopelessly and helplessly sinful. There is deep-seated evil in the heart of every human being. Notice all these Scriptures that confirm all that I am sharing: Romans 3:10, Romans 3:23, Jeremiah 17:9.