Nine Reasons Why Pastors Should Preach the Word of God

by Pastor Dag Heward-MIlls

1. When you preach the Word of God your church members will have direction for their lives.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

2 Timothy 3:16,17

The Bible contains the written Word of God. It is a reliable source of direction for us all. The Word of God is given to us for direction in our lives. Everything we do must be according to the Word of God. In a very general way, the Word of God is the perfect guidebook for our lives. The Bible is a unique book that contains instruction on every possible issue that may arise. There are many that think that the Bible is not a practical and relevant book for today.

One lady told me that she believed she could practice fornication because the Bible was out of fashion. Three years later, when her boyfriend of many years ditched her, she suddenly realized that the Bible was not so archaic after all.

The Scripture is profitable, useful, relevant and practical for every Christian today! There are many Christians who do not want you to open the Bible; they just want a prophecy or a word of knowledge.

2. When you preach the Word, the congregation will have light for their darkness.

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.

Psalm 119:105

There is so much darkness in the world. We often do not know what to do, but God has provided a light for Christians. What is this light that God has provided for Christians?

Thy Word is a light for my path and a lamp to my feet. God’s Word is a lamp and a light for us. It is only when you put on the light that you know where to go. It is only when you put on the light that you can prevent yourself from stumbling over furniture. Jesus Christ called Himself the light of this world.

…I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have THE LIGHT OF LIFE.

John 8:12

You need light in this life! Jesus (the Word) is the light for your life. People who have tried to live their lives without Christ and the Word have discovered that it is painful to stumble around in the darkness.

A young man approached me and informed me that he was having terrible problems in his marriage. He wanted me to help him. He wanted to know the way out of his marital difficulties. As I talked with him, I realized that what he needed was the Word.

But he said to me, “Are you going to pray for me to have my deliverance?”

I asked, “Why do you need deliverance?”

He answered, “Oh, it has been detected that my wife has a marine spirit.”

I asked him, “What is a marine spirit?”

He said, “Oh, it’s something they say I have to be delivered from. So I want you to deliver me.”

I thought to myself, “This man wants a quick fix. He does not want the Word. He does not know that nothing sets you free like the Word of God does.”

And ye shall know the truth, and THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE.

John 8:32

I continued to question him, “Are you a born-again Christian?”

“Yes I am.”

“Are you faithful to your wife?” I asked.

He smiled, “Um… not really.”

“Actually,” he continued, “I have not been faithful to her at all!”

I advised this man to have a pastor and belong to a church.

I told him, “Your marine spirit is the least of your problems. What you need is the Word of God to guide you in this life. You need the light of life; otherwise, you will continue to grope in darkness.”

There are people who wonder how I know the things I preach. I remember arriving in Johannesburg for a convention. I was met by a South African delegation. When they saw me one of them asked, “Are you the Bishop?”

I said, “Yes I am.”

“Really! We were expecting someone much older!

We have listened to your tapes and read your books. Somehow, we thought you were a much older person.”

When you have the Word of God, your wisdom will be beyond your age. You will seem to be maturer than people of your age group.

3. When you preach the Word of God the church members will be wise.

Thou through thy commandments hast made me wiser than mine enemies…I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation.

Psalm 119:98, 99

Dear pastor, do you want to have wise church members? Do you want to have stable intelligent people in your congregation? Then preach the Word of God. The Word of God will make you wise in this life. Advice and direction for business are found in the Word of God. There is more instruction for a businessperson in the Word of God than in any teaching on business management. There is more relevant practical knowledge on philosophy, political science, literature and history in the Bible than in any other book I know.

4. When you preach the Word of God the church members will know what to do.

I sometimes smile when people say, “God has called them to do such-and-such for Him.” If you do not obey the simple instructions in the Word, do you think that God is going to give you a greater instruction? He that is faithful in little is faithful in much. If you do not obey the Word of God that says to pay your tithes and offerings, do you think God is going to speak to you about other things?

He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee…

Micah 6:8

God will minister His Word through pastors and shepherds. That is why it is important to have a good church and a pastor who teaches the Word of God.

5. When you preach the Word of God Christians will know and understand what is happening in their lives.

In the last days, God is giving pastors who will feed us with knowledge and understanding. Receive the knowledge and understanding that God is giving you through your pastors now!

And I will give you pastors according to my heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.

Jeremiah 3:15

Apart from knowledge and understanding, God will use a man of God to give instructions to Christians. These instructions help us to become better people in life. There are times your pastor will give a commandment to fast and pray. It is important to follow these instructions. The Bible teaches that we should obey those that have spiritual authority over us.

Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls…

Hebrews 13:7

Church members must listen to the voice of their shepherds. God has delegated the destiny of the sheep to the shepherd. God will bless your life and lead you through the voice of your shepherd. Jesus is the good overall shepherd and He told Peter to look after the sheep. That means that He was delegating the care of His sheep to under-shepherds. Dear pastors, we have an awesome responsibility and we can only do it by staying with the Word.

…and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. And a stranger they will not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.

John 10:4

6. When you preach the Word of God, sin is burned out of the congregation.

Do you want to have a congregation of sinners? Do you want to have a congregation of immoral people, prostitutes, drug dealers, liars, thieves and murderers? I hope not!

It may sound strange to you but I have seen congregations like that. By preaching the Word of God, you ignite a fire that burns up sin.

…I will make MY WORDS IN THY MOUTH FIRE, and this people wood, AND IT SHALL DEVOUR them.

Jeremiah 5:14

Is it not my word like as a FIRE?

Jeremiah 23:29

7. When you preach the Word of God it knocks sense into stubborn people.

…it not my word… like a HAMMER that breaketh the rock in pieces?

Jeremiah 23:29

There are always stubborn people who need to attend the school of hard knocks. Preaching the Word knocks sense into stubborn people.

8. When you preach the Word of God people will be genuinely saved.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth…

Romans 1:16

When the Word of God is not preached people are not genuinely saved. They may be members of the church but they will not be sincerely saved. Salvation is a product of the Word of God being preached. Secular teachings on success do not have the power of salvation!

9. When you preach the Word of God you deal with the innermost thoughts of the congregation.

There are many people who do not express their innermost thoughts. You never know what they are thinking. They are often evasive and do not answer questions directly. It is only God’s Word that can get to their hearts and minister to them!

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and IS A DISCERNER OF THE THOUGHTS AND INTENTS OF THE HEART.

Hebrews 4:12

by Dag Heward-Mills