READ: Joshua 2:1-14

Knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free.” – Ephesians 6:8

Without help you will not make it in life. You will need assistance, forgiveness, mercy, a push, favour and, above all, undeserved help. Many do not sow this seed of help, because people who receive help from you do not look like they could ever return the favour shown them. But you must expect your harvest from God and not from the person you helped. Do not look to the person you are helping as the source of your harvest.

Learn from these five people who sowed a special seed by helping others:

Rahab sowed a seed of ‘help’ by helping the spies and she reaped it when they later helped her to escape death: Joshua 2:22-25.

Joseph sowed a seed of ‘help’ when he helped the butler to interpret his dream and reaped a harvest when the butler recommended him to Pharaoh: Genesis 41:12-14.

Abigail sows a seed of ‘help’ when she helps a man of God and reaps a harvest when she gets a husband soon after being widowed: 1 Samuel 25:39.

The disciples sowed seeds of ‘help’ by continuing with Jesus in His ministry and are promised a harvest in Heaven: Luke 22:28-30.

Onesiphorus sowed a seed of ‘help’ when he helped Paul and reaped a harvest when Paul blessed him to receive mercy: 2 Timothy 1:16. Helping somebody is a special seed that can be sown