READ: 2 Samuel 3:1-21

Abner was very angry because of what IshBosheth said and he answered…I haven’t handed you over to David. Yet now you accuse me of an offense involving this woman!” – 2 Samuel 3:8-9, NIV

Witchcraft is the use of any power other than the power of God to bewitch or control you. Control of someone is accomplished when they accuse you of what you would not want to be. People tend to recognize what you would not want to be and accuse you of being that very thing. Each accusation gets you heated and angry.

Through persistent accusations, they stop you from doing certain things, which they do not like. As someone continues to accuse you, he achieves a level of control over your life and this is witchcraft. This kind of witchcraft is not easy to recognize. It is only after a long time that you recognize that you are being controlled. Sometimes those accusing you do not know that they have moved into a realm of witchcraft. It takes a very strong spiritual person to maintain his course in spite of accusations. Lesser men are unable to hold their course. Sometimes they react by snuffing out the accuser.

And the huge dragon was cast down and out — that age-old serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, he who is the seducer (deceiver) of all humanity the world over; he was forced out and down to the earth, and his angels were flung out along with him.

Then I heard a strong (loud) voice in heaven, saying, Now it has come — the salvation and the power and the kingdom (the dominion, the reign) of our God, and the power (the sovereignty, the authority) of His Christ (the Messiah); for the accuser of our brethren, he who keeps bringing before our God charges against them day and night, has been cast out! (Revelation 12:9-10, Amplified Bible).