READ: Acts 13:1-5

Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God,” Romans 1:1

To be “called” by God means to be separated for His purposes. Perhaps, this is the most important
definition of what it means to be “called”. God’s calling isolates you and separates you from the larger body of Christians. To be separated means to detach somebody or something from a larger group. Your calling therefore means that you have been isolated for the purposes of God.

Your calling means you have been separated from the larger society of lay Christians. Separation speaks of being severed from an association. This separation also means that you have been withdrawn from something In this case, you have been withdrawn from secular life and secular ideals. By your calling, you have also been separated from your family and friends. Indeed, a high calling even means that you have been separated from other Christians.

a. The Hebrew word for separate is badal, which means to distinguish and make a difference between you and others. Is it not a blessing that God has distinguished between you and others? He has made a difference between you and other believers! What else can you ask for?

b. The Greek word for separate is aphorizo, which also means to keep apart two or more people or things by a boundary. God is keeping you apart and has put a boundary between you and the rest. What higher blessing could you hope for than for God to keep you apart for His special purposes?