READ: 1 Chronicles 22:17-19

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;” Colossians 3:23

The human heart is located in the centre of the breast. This shows us that the spiritual heart is located in the centre of a person’s thoughts, words, actions and ministry. A person’s heart is the very foundation of his ministry. That is why the heart is so important. Everything that a person achieves depends on his heart. Everything you become depends on your heart.

The human heart is about as big as your clenched fist. In other words, your heart is as big as your hand. What does this mean? It shows that the works of your hands will only be as big as your heart. The larger your heart, the larger your hand. If you have a bigger heart, you will be able to do greater works with your hand. It is time for you to allow God to work on your heart so that you can do greater works. The “largeness” of somebody’s ministry is determined by the “largeness” of his heart.

The human heart contains blood, which contains all the nutrients. These nutrients come from what you have eaten. This shows us that your heart is affected by what you take in. The contents of your spiritual heart are made up of what you have heard and received. Many things enter your heart after they have been in your mind for a while. You must allow good things to come into your heart. You must also prevent evil things from coming into your heart.