READ: Romans 9:10-26

Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age: and he made him a coat of many colours” – Genesis 37:3

It may seem silly or even trivial to want to be your boss’ favourite but it is wise to want to be the most
important person’s favourite. The most important person is the one who really matters. You will please someone with what you do so why not choose to please the most important person? Who is it that will pay you? Who is it that will feed you? Who is it whose decisions will change your life? Who will promote you? Why not decide to impress that important person!

The world does not only function according to principles but also according to “favour”. Favour is when good things are done to you for no apparent reason. Favour is when honour and blessings are bestowed on you even though you do not deserve them.

Somehow, you must develop the art of becoming a favourite whilst being genuine and unpretentious. I am not talking about being obsequious! I am not talking about becoming a sycophant! I am not talking about getting ahead through flattery, deception or boot licking.

Even in the army, you can only rise up to a certain level through promotional exams. The really high ranks are attained by what they call “political appointments”. These so called “political appointments” are based on people liking and choosing you. In a government, the president chooses whom he wishes and whom he likes to certain positions. There is often no formula to his choices. The “favourites” are often given key jobs in key positions.