READ: Luke 10:25-37

But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.” – Matthew 9:36

I am certain that forgetfulness leads to a lack of passion for the Great Commission. Most Christians know many biblical phrases and verses that were unknown to the Christian before the advent of the printing press.

The story of the Good Samaritan illustrates this reality. Levites and priests passed by, filled with the knowledge of God. But they did not have compassion. When the man with compassion came by, he was moved and saved the brother who was half-dead. This world is halfdead, waiting for us to come and save them. We have the gospel of Jesus Christ, the only hope of this world. The modern inventions of television, radio, cassettes, CDs and the internet have made Scripture more available than ever before. Sadly, the increase of Scripture and the availability of this knowledge are not combined with renewed compassion for souls. The compassion for souls is almost absent whilst the love for treasures and finances is at its peak.

The sad reality is that the salvation of this world can never be accomplished without compassion. But how can we have compassion when we do not remember what it is like to almost go to Hell?