READ: 2 Kings 23:1-25

…no king since the time of Josiah has approached his record of obedience.” – 2 Kings 23:25 (TLB)

Aquick study will reveal different levels of obedience when it comes to following the voice of God and the voice of the Holy Spirit. This is because there are different kinds of instructions that God gives. Indeed, there are different types of commandments. Jesus, speaking of one of God’s commandments said the commandment was like the other one. “This is the first and great commandment…and the second is like unto it…” (Matthew 22:38-39).

Some of the instructions are hard and difficult and some are nice and easy. Some are so hard and so difficult that few people ever obey them. Others are so nice and so easy that people cannot believe that God is the one behind those commands. Amazingly, all these different instructions of the Lord give rise to different levels of response that I call the “levels of obedience”.

Would you obey the Lord if He asked you to give someone food? Would you obey the Lord if He asked you to live until you were ninety? Would you obey the Lord if He asked you to live for only thirty years?

Jesus Christ obeyed everything He was asked to do and He is our best example of someone who obeyed God at all levels. I want you to look at the different levels of obedience and see where you fit in. What is your record of obedience?

Are you ready to follow the Holy Spirit in the journey of life?