READ: Revelation 12:7-11

…the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.” : – Revelation 12:10

When you are accused, you often become an accuser yourself. You often rise in self-defense to protect yourself from the onslaught. This is a dangerous development. Every minister should watch out for this. Not only have you developed bitterness, hatred and enmity, but also you are now putting on the garb of an accuser. You and Satan now join forces and work together as a partnership in accusation. Perhaps this is the most deadly development in the response to accusations.

To see this clearly you only have to observe human behaviour in politics. The opposition or minority groups come up with numerous accusations and allegations against the ruling party. The president and his ruling party respond vehemently with counter accusations about unrelated issues. Parliament is basically a theatre for accusations and counter accusations. It is an arena where hatred is generated and existing divisions are deepened. No one sees the good in the other, meanwhile each is as bad as the other.

“Then I heard a strong (loud) voice in heaven, saying, Now it has come — the salvation and the power and the kingdom (the dominion, the reign) of our God, and the power (the sovereignty, the authority) of His Christ (the Messiah); for the accuser of our brethren, he who keeps bringing before our God charges against them day and night, has been cast out!” (Revelation 12:10, Amplified Bible).