How the Sins of Devils Can Become the Sins of Humans

by Pastor Dag Heward-MIlls

Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve, and ONE OF YOU IS A DEVIL?

John 6:70

Jesus said to His disciples, “One of you is a devil.” Jesus knew the devil from the time of his fall. He knew his depravity, his wickedness, his nature, his sins and his fall. For Jesus to say about his disciples that “One of you is a devil”, was a mighty statement indeed.

It meant that one of the disciples was walking in the sins and footsteps of the devil himself. One of his disciples was behaving just like the devil. It was so easy for Jesus to recognise the devil because he knew the past glory, the sins and the downfall of Lucifer!

Today, many human beings are walking in the sins and the footsteps of Lucifer. They commit each and every single sin that Satan committed. Many pastors walk in the same steps that Lucifer walked in and end up in the same confused state of darkness that Satan is in today. Are you behaving like the devil? Are you a devil? Do you know someone who is behaving like the devil and committing all the sins that Lucifer committed?

Today, Satan is bound and restricted in chains of darkness instead of being free and happy in the realms of light and eternity. His life, his ministry and his future are destroyed because of the mistakes and sins that he made while he was an angel in heaven. He misled thousands of angels and has caused all the confusion, commotion and wickedness that is in the world today.

Many ministers live in confusion and are restricted to failure, poverty and extreme darkness. They do not even know what is happening to them. They do not understand why their ministries are so limited, restricted and poor.

You are about to discover each and every one of Satan’s sins and you will not walk in them after reading this book!

In this book, I want to share how you can avoid becoming a devil and dodge walking in the sins of Satan. Every minister of the gospel must earnestly desire to avoid walking in the footsteps of Lucifer who was once one of God’s highest ministers. If Lucifer, who dwelt in light, could fall and cause so much confusion, how much more we who live in this dark and blind world!

by Dag Heward-MIlls