READ: Nunbers 8:20-26

Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! behold, I cannot speak: for I am a child.” – Jeremiah 1:6

Many young people reject the call because they feel that they are too young for something as noble and distinguished as the ministry. Another reason why young people stay away from ministry is because of their sexual proclivity and numerous temptations. The sexual feeling is so base in its nature that it is followed by feelings of unworthiness and carnality.

Many young people wish they were without those feelings so they could serve the Lord in holiness. God called me as a young person and I constantly battled with these feelings of unworthiness. Because of this, I was very happy to discover that Elijah was a man of like passions. Did Elijah really have the same passions, as I seemed to be having? This encouraged me to carry on in the ministry even though I was a very young boy.

When I discovered that Levites were to serve the Lord from the age of twenty-five and upwards, I was even more encouraged that I had served the Lord as a young man.

Indeed, it is easy to relegate the call of God to the mature and the elderly, since they seem more dignified and suitable for such responsibilities. But dear friend, dignity is not one of the fruits of the Spirit. Joy, on the other hand, which you often find in young people, is a fruit of the Spirit. I am glad I served the Lord as a young person and I would encourage you to follow the call of God in spite of your youthfulness.