Daily Devotional: 29th June “PURSUITS”

READ: Proverbs 21:20-23

But flee from these things, you man of God, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance and gentleness.” – 1

Daily Devotional: 29th June “PURSUITS”2020-06-23T23:34:05+00:00

Daily Devotional: 23rd June “MODESTY”

READ: Deuteronomy 18:3-5

Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” – James 4:10

Tithing Christians fulfil the law of humility,

Daily Devotional: 23rd June “MODESTY”2020-06-21T00:30:46+00:00

Being Slow about Ministry

Being Slow about Ministry by Pastor Dag Heward-MIlls

Many pastors are slow

Being Slow about Ministry2020-06-23T17:35:10+00:00

The Accusers

The Accusers by Pastor Dag Heward-MIlls

And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven,

The Accusers2020-06-23T17:37:35+00:00
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